10 things I am grateful for

Today marks a critical point in my life; it is my 21st birthday. Like many of you guys I am spending my 21st birthday in quarantine. Although it is somewhat depressing that I don’t get to celebrate turning 21 with my friends, being at home has given me the opportunity to appreciate many of the people and things in my life.

Here are 10 things that I am grateful for.

God & Jesus

The thing that I am the most grateful for is Jesus Christ. First, for giving us the gift of eternal life, through his sacrifice on the cross. Second for leaving behind the holy spirit, which dwells within all of us. The holy spirit is the only comforter that gives me peace in times of turmoil. Knowing that I didn’t earn or deserve these gifts, yet still receive them freely is something I will be eternally grateful for.


One of my longest friends from ‘ends’. Ckristo is like a brother to me. `He is someone that I can share my deepest thoughts with, irrespective of how foolish they can be. The reason I am so grateful for our relationship is because not many people have someone in their life that they can completely trust and confide in. Regardless of how frequently we speak Ckristo is someone that I know will always have my best interest at heart.


My friend Paul is someone that deserves an honourable mention. As someone who I met during my first year of University, his loyalty is unquestionable. His ability to always speak the truth to me, when no one else will along with his laid-back humour makes him a blessing to be around.


There is a group of women in our society that often go unnoticed. That group is of course single mothers. As someone who grew up without a father in the house, my mother played the role of breadwinner and paternal caregiver. A feet that is extremely stressful. Yet despite this, my mother never gave up. Teaching me the importance of kindness, hard work and determination, many of the principles that inform my character today come from her.


Being only a year apart, my older sister was my first friend. Although arguing and fighting is a big part of our relationship, my sister is someone I will always cherish. Not least because she is the only person, that I shared my childhood with.

My Friends

This section is dedicated to Ramai, Funmi, Tobi, Chizu, Martha, Prince, Khalil, Myles and others I have not mentioned.

In all honesty, these people should have their own sections because each of them has played an important role in my development. All of them, except Prince, are people I met at university. Knowing that these people will always be willing to listen and support me is the reason I haven’t dropped out of university yet. You guys are my greatest inspiration!

My Placement Year

As my placement year comes to an end, I am grateful for the doors working at JPMorgan as opened for me. The people I have met and the advice they have given me has been life-changing. This year has given me clarity on what I find meaningful and has boosted my confidence in the pursuit of what I love.

The #WOKEWeekly team

To me, #WOKEWeekly is more than just an organisation. It is a family. The knowledge I have gained from attending and chairing discussions on issues that affect my community is priceless, and something I take great pride in. But it wouldn’t be right for me to thank #WOKEWeekly without thanking our director Zavid, who has worked tirelessly to make the organisation what it is today. A big thank you to him and all the members of the #WOKEWeekly family.


I started TobiTalks because I saw a lack of information being distributed to many of the people I knew. To fix this problem, I decided that I was going to break down political news so that laid people could understand what was going on politically. With 305 followers, 99 posts and over 1000 viewers, I hope that TobiTalks will continue to grow and serve people that want to stay up to date with politics.

Who I am Today

In today’s society, it is very easy to become discontent with who you are. People often focus on their flaws, and while self-reflection is a good thing, you’ll never become the person you want to be without first loving and appreciating yourself. With the full knowledge that I am an imperfect and an unfinished book, I am truly grateful for the person I am today!